Brano straniero


Autori: BJ Burton, Phil Cook, James Harmon Stack, Justin Vernon, and Jenn Wasner
Genere: Indie Rock
Ascolta ‘AUATC’, nuovo singolo dei BON IVER per raccogliere fondi a favore dei diritti civili.

Guarda il video di ‘AUATC’, creato, prodotto e diretto da Aaron Anderson e Eric Timothy Carlson, con le coreografie di Randall Riley -

Il nuovo singolo dei BON IVER è stato scritto da Justin Vernon, con i feat. ai cori di Elsa Jensen, Jenny Lewis, Bruce Springsteen e Jenn Wasner.

'AUATC' sta per Ate Up All Their Cake (Mangiammo tutta la loro torta) ed è secondo singolo pubblicato dai Bon Iver per raccogliere fondi destinati ad associazioni che si occupano di diritti civili, dopo 'PDLIF' ("Please Don't Live In Fear") - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeUadGNcN-8

I proventi del nuovo singolo saranno devoluti ad associazioni che si occupano dei nostri vicini più vulnerabili e di combattere razzismo, sessismo e classismo per costruire una società migliore.
Le associazioni coinvolte sono Supporting Minneapolis Sanctuary Movement, Red Letter Grant, Equal Justice Initiative, NIVA e 350.org:
. Minneapolis Sanctuary Movement (contact legislators / leadership; donate)
. Red Letter Grant (participate; apply)
. Equal Justice Initiative (learn; vote)
. NIVA (contact legislators; support favorite venue)
. 350.org (join movement; participate in "Raise Your Voice for a #JustRecovery" campaign)

'AUATC' lyrics:

Well you’re up all night
and your head’s down low
if You can see your own kite
(Shed a little light on it..No?)
Ya know a burden aint a bust,
You are the only way to
trust ya
Its only fair it burns up in that rust
Lay down Martha
Lay down the holy banner flag
hold out Martha
Help is surely on it’s way
And its not right
dont bask in the glory of MINE
but oh no they cant come take that part a way
They ate up all their cake
And they drank their own wine
They were always on the take !
They could SHED A LITTLE Light
on it no?
you no the burden aint a gust
the only path to love is touch
Ill always know that all that proper mounts too much
Lay down Martha
Lay all that alabaster down
Theres no master, and he’p will surely come around
i Dont ask
I dont bask in the glory oh no nah nahh...
And its up to me if I don’t wear a mask

Well yer up all night
and Your neighbors don’t know
Man, your neighbors don’t know!
So shed a little light!
You know a burden a bust
You know that truths been known to crutch
No no no only them who’s pauper lays him up

Davide Iurlano