Nettwerk Music Group
Brano straniero


Autori: Finn Andrews
Genere: Alternative
invio brano per radio: FINN ANDREWS, frontman dei The Veils, pres. 'One By The Venom', nuovo estratto dal debutto solista in arrivo a marzo. Radio date immediata.

IN ARRIVO IL 15 MARZO (Nettwerk Music Group/Bertus)

‘One By The Venom’ è, nella forma di list-song, tra i migliori esempi di song-writing realizzati da Finn Andrews
“It's a softly poetic return from The Veils frontman.” – CLASH

Atteso debutto solista per Finn Andrews, leader dei The Veils. ‘One Piece at a Time’ è in uscita il 15 marzo per Nettwerk Music Group ed arriva a tre anni di distanza da ‘Total Depravity’, l’ultimo disco di studio con The Veils. Registrato in presa diretta al The Lab ad Auckland, mixato e co-prodotto da Tom Healy (Tiny Ruins), oltre a Finn Andrews (piano, chitarra, voce), al disco hanno contribuito Cass Basil (basso), Alex Freer (batteria), Healy (chitarra), Reb Fountain (backing vocal), Nina Siegler (backing vocal) e Victoria Kelly (arrangiamenti). Guidato dalla carismatica voce di Finn Andrews, ‘One Piece at at Time’ mostra la nuova direzione artistica intrapresa dall’artista, già percepibile nell’ultimo disco con The Veils.
“It’s a lot more autobiographical than I intended,” racconta Finn Andrews del nuovo album. “The last Veils records had a lot of writing from other perspectives but this one has a lot less of that and a lot more from… well, from me, I guess. It’s always been personal, so it’s a different way of getting at the same thing, I suppose. Honestly, I don’t exactly know why it’s different this time, or why these songs have a different feeling, but they do. I felt this record had been brewing for a long time, and there was a palpable sense of relief in finishing it, which I don’t often get. This record marks a change in me. I feel like it’s taken me somewhere else. That’s kind of the spooky element of making albums: you think you’re making them but really they're making and shaping you. I’m somewhere else now thanks to them, and it’s hard to know where they'll leave me in the end. I had something I felt I really needed to say, and I think for once I managed to say it. I do feel a small sense of pride in that.” afferma Andrews.
Dalla firma del primo accordo discografico, all’età di sedici anni, Finn Andrews ha pubblicato cinque album con la sua band, The Veils, è comparso nella recente serie di David Lynch, Twin Peaks, ed in numerose colonne sonore di luminari registi del calibro di Tim Burton e Paolo Sorrentino. Dopo la pubblicazione di ‘Total Depravity’ (2016), e la fine di una relazione, l’artista ha sentito la necessità di prendersi del tempo lontano da Londra, per tornare nel suo paese d’origine, la Nuova Zelanda, e per dare vita al suo progetto solista. “I’d been writing songs while I was making these Veils records, and I knew they didn't quite fit into that world,” Andrews says. “I needed to leave London. It was making me sick and I needed to get out, my relationship had broken down, so I went back to New Zealand. I had a feeling I’d be able to find the right people there to make the album, and it was as far away as I could go from where I was before, which felt necessary as well.”
‘One Piece at a Time’ è un disco intimo e personale, un diario aperto. “The last Veils records had a lot of writing from other perspectives; I’ve always enjoyed putting myself somewhere else—the truck driver, the axolotl - but this one has a lot less of that and a lot more from… well, from me I guess. It’s always been personal, so it’s a different way of getting at the same thing. Honestly I don’t exactly know why it’s different this time, or why these songs have a different feeling, but they do.” Finn Andrews.
‘One Piece at at Time’, 15 marzo 2019, Nettwerk Music Group

Laura Beschi